Department Mission
We exist to support the Wilson's Mission for every student to foster life-long curiosity and understanding of the scientific endeavor so that students will have the scientific knowledge required to be successful in supporting themselves and their families in whatever career they choose to pursue.
Department Vision
Disciplines in science collaborate to create a supportive and successful environment for all students. Evidenced by the results of common assessments.
Course Options
Wilson High School's Science Department is proud to offer a variety of courses from which students can choose.
Note: Some class options may be limited due to your student's pathway course of study. Detailed information can be found on each Pathway's page.
Class options include the following:
9th grade: Environmental Geoscience, Medical Biology (BioMed), Principles of Biomedical Science (BioMed), The Living Earth
10th grade: Chemistry in the Earth System, Chemistry Honors, Human Body Systems (BioMed), Physics of the Universe
11th grade: Anatomy & Physiology Honors, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, AP Physics, Chemistry in the Earth System, Environmental Geoscience, Forensic Science, Medical Interventions (BioMed), Physics of the Universe, Physics Honors
12th grade: Anatomy & Physiology Honors, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, AP Physics, Biomedical Innovation (BioMed), Chemistry in the Earth System, Environmental Geoscience, Forensic Science, Physics of the Universe, Physics Honors