Policies and Procedures
- Attendance Policy
- Attendance Procedures
- Code of Honor
- Digital Citizenship
- Dress Code Policy
- Skateboard Policy
- Wilson Visitation Policy
- Campus Access
Attendance Policy
Wilson High School Attendance Policy
Regular school attendance is vital to successful academic growth. The interaction of students with each other in the classroom and participation in class are irreplaceable components of the learning process. Student absences, whether excused or not, disrupt the continuity of the learning process.
All students are expected to maintain "satisfactory attendance". Students with satisfactory attendance will be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities. The major responsibility of attendance lies with the student and his or her parent/guardian and any notification of loss of privileges is a courtesy, not a requirement.
The staff of Wilson High School encourages each student to strive for academic excellence. Teachers are committed to providing quality lessons, which are challenging, rewarding, and interesting for students. It is the students’ responsibility to take advantage of the learning opportunities that are offered each class period. All students are expected to be punctual and prepared for each class daily. A student is tardy (TDY) if he/she is not in his/her class at the ringing of the tardy bell.
All students are required to be in class when the tardy bell rings.
1st – 3rd unexcused/unverified tardy in each class (per Semester):
The classroom teacher may administer any or all of the following:
- Verbal warning/student conference
- Classroom consequences from teacher
- Loss of classroom privilege/reward
- Tardy reflection assignment
- Phone call home/parent conference
- Reduction of conduct grade (Cannot earn an ‘E’)
- Teacher detention
- Referral to athletic coach, club advisor, etc., if the student is involved in extracurricular activities
Students who arrive tardy are expected to do so without disrupting the classroom instruction or activity taking place. Students who are disruptive when arriving tardy can expect to receive consequences for both their tardiness and for the disruption of the classroom (based on the classroom discipline plan).
4th - 7th unexcused/unverified tardy to any one class per semester:
The student is Eligible for a Referral to a Counselor (at the discretion of the teacher or by office/admin review of student records): Counselor holds a student conference. Any or all consequences below may follow:
- Advises teacher that he/she can lower conduct grade one level
- Administrative detention
- Parent conference with counselor or admin
- Loss of one or more school privileges
- Other (at the discretion of the counselor or administration)
8th - 11th unexcused/unverified tardy to any one class per semester:
All of the following consequences:
- Advises teacher that he/she can lower conduct grade one level
- Loss of lunch pass for two weeks OR
- Lunch detention for one week
- Parent phone call home
- Loss of other school privileges, events, and/or activities at the discretion of the administration
12th unexcused/unverified tardy to any one class per semester:
All of the following consequences:
- Advises teacher that he/she can lower conduct grade one level (if applicable)
- Loss of lunch pass for three weeks OR
- Lunch detention for three weeks
- Parent conference
- Loss of other school privileges, events, and/or activities at the discretion of the administration
- Referral to Site Attendance Review Team (SART)
Note: All subsequent detentions after the 4th one will result in a 30-minute detention as well as the noted consequences.
Can a parent/guardian excuse a tardy? No, only official notes such as court, doctor, etc. notes will excuse a tardy automatically.
Attendance Procedures
Attendance Procedures
Students are encouraged to schedule appointments outside of the school day. In order to leave school during the day students must bring a note to the Attendance Office before school or during nutrition. Notes must include: Student's name, date, the reason for leaving early, parent/guardian signature, and phone number.
If there isn't a note and an Early-out is needed, a parent or guardian must come into the Attendance Office to pick up the student. Please allow approximately 20 minutes to process the request and pull the student from class. Be sure to bring identification to campus for admittance.
If your student is leaving early due to sickness, please sign him or her out from the Nurse's Office.
• Students are responsible for clearing their absence(s) within 5 days.
• Students must bring a signed note from a parent or guardian with the student's name, grade level, date(s) of absence(s), and reason for absence(s) to the Attendance Office before school, nutrition, lunch, or after school. Faxes and emails are not accepted.
• Students may drop off the notes in the bin on the counter of the Attendance Office according to their last name.
• Make-up work for the classes missed must be completed in a timely manner. Check the class syllabus for course-specific requirements for making up missed assignments.
• Parents and students may check Schoolloop or ParentVUE and StudentVUE for absences.
Report absences with this form
You can call the attendance office to report an absence.
A-L - x6109 M-Z -x6108
Attendance Office Hours for Students to Obtain Early-outs and Turn In Notes
Before School
7:00 - 7:40
9:16 - 9:21
10:58 - 11:28
After School
2:40 - 3:55
Arriving late to school
Wilson High School students are expected to be in class on time. If you are late to class, the consequence of being tardy is a 30-minute detention.
If you arrive later than forty minutes (block schedule) because of a doctor/dentist/court appointment, show your note (on letterhead stationery - parent notes are not accepted) at the front door and proceed to the Attendance Office for a tardy slip. If you do not have a note from your doctor or dentist and it is past 40 minutes, you must wait at one of the entrances for the next block to begin.
Truancy letters
Truancy letters are sent out from the Long Beach Unified School District on a monthly basis. Truancy letters are triggered by as few as three unverified period absences. Students and parents should check SchoolLoop, StudentVUE, and ParentVUE frequently. Absences marked by mistake should be reported to the teacher right away so errors can be corrected. All absences must be cleared within 5 days. Parents, if you receive a truancy letter, print out your student's attendance in SchoolLoop, sign and date for the excused absences, including the reason for the absence, and have your student take the signed printout to the Attendance Office for clearance of those absences.
Code of Honor
Code of Honor
Ethical and moral behavior in education is essential. The individual, school, and society benefit greatly from the maintenance of high standards; therefore, the integrity of fair academic competition shall not be abridged. Furthermore, individual students are responsible for their own actions. As a result, the following Code of Honor is in effect at Woodrow Wilson High School.
During an examination, students shall use only those materials allowed by the teacher.
Any electronic device not specifically designated by the teacher used during an examination will be an Honor Code Violation.
Students shall respect teachers' and other students' right to privacy of materials, tests, and property.
When doing research assignments, students shall give proper credit (citations, works cited page, and/or bibliography in compliance with teacher instruction) to those sources used in order to avoid plagiarism.
Students will demonstrate respect for intellectual property, copyright restrictions, fair use, and public performance rights when using, downloading, duplicating, or uploading media.
Students shall be responsible for their own work inside and outside the classroom.
Students are prohibited from reproducing, photographing, or recording test materials in any form.
In order to maintain the integrity of Wilson High School and its individuals, violations of this Code of Honor will result in all the following consequences:
An F or zero will be given for the work in question.
The teacher will notify the parents or guardians of the student.
The conduct grade will be lowered.
A referral will be sent to the grade level administrator specifically describing the Honor Code violation.
The grade level administrator will place a notation of the Honor Code violation in the student’s central file. Adverse reports affect extra-curricular activities, college applications, recommendations, awards, and Distinguished Scholar status.
Detention/s will be assigned (Seniors will be issued a Senior Letter).
Further violations will result in:
The same as numbers one through six above.
The student will be suspended from school for a minimum of two days. The student may not return to school until a conference is held with the grade-level administrator and the parents or guardians of the student.
Continuation of the unethical behavior will result in:
A conference will be held with the grade-level administrator and the parents or guardians of the student.
The student will be suspended from school and referred for a disciplinary transfer.
Digital Citizenship
Digital Citizenship
The Long Beach Unified School District is committed to supporting students’ safety and wellbeing in all educational settings (virtual and in-person). During the period of distance learning, all expectations for student behavior still apply. All school behavior norms and rules must be followed just as expected in the regular educational setting/classroom. It is important that students know, understand, practice, and model positive and productive behaviors when participating in class and online. For this reason, the LBUSD Office of School Support Services – Division of Student Support Services has created the Online Student Behavior Expectations and Digital Citizenship document.
Dress Code Policy
Wilson Dress Code Policy 2024-2025
General Dress Code and Grooming Guidelines |
Other Unacceptable Clothing |
A. Clothing including hats, jewelry, accessories, or skin art (tattoos) associated with alcohol, drugs, tobacco, sex, obscenity, gangs, or violence is prohibited. B. Outer clothes must completely cover underclothes. C. Footwear must be appropriate for school activities. D. Shirts must be appropriately fitted at the shoulders. E. Belts should be appropriately sized at the waist and fitted into the belt loops. F. All headgear, including sweater/jacket hoods, is prohibited with the exception of school spirit wear. G. Wallet chains, studded/spiked belts, bracelets, rings, etc. are prohibited. |
A. Tank tops and mesh tops. B. Strapless tops and cut-out/ripped designs that reveal any body parts. C. Tops that bare the midriff. D. Low neckline and backline tops and dresses. E. See-through and sheer clothing. F. Short shorts/skirts/dresses and beach attire.
1st-2nd Offense - Warning, changed out, clothes confiscated, and parent contacted.
3rd Offense - 30-minute detention, changed out, clothes confiscated, and parent contacted.
After 3rd Offense - Referred to the pathway administrator, a parent contacted, changed out, clothes confiscated, 30-minute detention for each additional violation, and conduct noted in the student record.
Students that self-report to detention by the due date will clear the 30-minute detention.
If a student does not self-report to detention, the 30-minute detention will become 1-hour detention.
All unapproved dress code items will be confiscated, labeled, and held in the Attendance Office until the end of the school day.
Borrowed clothing must be returned to the Attendance Office the same day it is borrowed. If not turned in, students will serve lunch detention. Lost uniform items will result in a fine with the banker: $5 for shirts, and $10 dollars for pants and sweatshirts.
While the district originally mandated uniforms at Wilson, our school will now be allowed to offer an “opt out.” Those who have opted out of the uniform will still be required to follow the district dress code. The LBUSD dress code policy can be found on pages 28 and 29 of the Parent Guidelines. To opt your child out of the uniform for the upcoming school year, please click on the Opt Out google form posted here.
Skateboard Policy
Bringing Skateboards and Scooters on Campus
Prior to entering campus, students must lock their skateboard or scooter on a rack. Racks can be found at the Main Entrance, on West Campus, or the Arches. Please note that a lock is required.
As always, the riding of skateboards or scooters is not permitted on campus at any time. On the first confiscation, the item will be delivered to the student's grade-level administrator. A student may retrieve their item at the end of the day from their grade level administrator. On subsequent confiscations, parents must set up a parent conference to pick up the confiscated item.
Wilson Visitation Policy
Wilson High School Visitation Policy
In an effort to ensure the safety and security of our campus, students, and staff, Wilson High School is a closed campus during school hours. All persons are required to check in at the Main Entrance. All visitors are required to show identification and wear a visitor’s badge for the duration of their visit. To minimize campus and classroom disruptions, parents should schedule an appointment with all staff members prior to arriving on campus. Requests for appointments and/or classroom observations should be scheduled with the teacher and site administrator at least 24 hours in advance. In an effort to minimize interruption to the educational environment, the length of each classroom visit should not exceed 20 minutes.
Classroom visitations or observations are limited for the following reasons:
Impact on the learning environment
Time away from task by staff
School safety
Should someone other than a parent/guardian request a classroom visit, he/she must have a signed parental permission form or be accompanied by the parent/guardian. This includes advocates or attorneys representing the child/family.
Please provide the following information when scheduling a classroom observation:
Reason for the observation (objective)
Position of the observer and relation to the child
Specific standardized observational measures to be used (if any)
To ensure the confidentiality of all students and lessen the impact on the learning environment, cameras or video and/or audio recording equipment are not permitted in the classroom. Observations are for a specific pupil and information about other children cannot be shared, nor used as a basis for placement, diagnosis, or imperative data specific to other children.
All observers will be accompanied to the classroom or observation location by an administrator or administrative designee. The site administrator or administrative designee may also make observational notes of the same visitation.
Our teachers will be prepared for your visit, so please arrive on time. Observers must enter through the Main Entrance. A visitor’s pass will be provided and must be worn on campus at all times. If you cannot keep your appointment please call to reschedule, as we may not be able to accommodate late arrivals. Additionally, we ask that cell phones be turned off or silenced while on campus.
Campus Access
Campus Access
Persons with Disabilities and/or Accessibility Needs
Long Beach Unified School District Disability Access Procedure
The District is committed to providing students with disabilities access to classes in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA"), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and applicable state laws. Schools within the District will implement the following procedure to provide their students with disabilities or mobility impairments, that prevent their accessing classrooms, events, activities, and services occurring at school, access thereto. All such activities are available to all parents, guardians, and students on each individual school's website.
If you are a parent of a student, or a student with mobility impairment or other health-related disability that limits mobility, who encounters a barrier to an assigned classroom, you should notify the student's counselor or the Vice Principal of the School to arrange campus or classroom access.
Please note that classes will not be relocated if an alternate section of the class in question is also offered at accessible locations. Students cannot request specific classrooms. All relocation requests are handled on a case-by-case basis, but the School will make every effort to consider and respond to such requests promptly. The appeal of any access or relocation determination will be made pursuant to the District's Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP).
During IEP and 504 meetings involving students with mobility impairments, team members will schedule classes in accessible locations.
State and Federal law provide that the District may not discriminate against a student with a disability, deny a qualified student with a disability the opportunity to participate in or to benefit from an aid, benefit, or service, or otherwise limit a student with a disability in the enjoyment of any right, privilege, advantage, or opportunity enjoyed by others receiving an aid, benefit, or service. This classroom relocation procedure presumes that qualified students with disabilities may participate in any such activity or program. This procedure recognizes that, at times, it may be necessary to convene a meeting of a student's Section 504 or IEP team to consider if and how the student will participate in the activities and programs pursuant to applicable law.
Approved:2/20/18 OCR #09-12-1329
Students with Temporary Mobility and Impairments
Please contact your Counselor located in the Student Support Center to make arrangements to accommodate your mobility. If access to elevators are needed arrangements will be made to check out an elevator key to you. Parent signature required for key checkout. Accommodations can be made available up to and including modifying or relocating of classes to ensure that students with a disability are not discouraged from enrolling in or participating in any class or activity due to their disability.
Events in the Auditorium: The Auditorium building now has accessible restrooms at the main level and basement.
Events in the Gym: Please use the accessible restrooms located in the Visitor side of the stadium/Bruin Plaza concession area. They are open during all public gym events.
Events in the Pool: Restrooms are available on the north side of the natatorium.
Events in the Football Stadium: Please use the accessible restrooms located next to the ticket booth and concessions building located on both the home side and visitor side.
Accessible bathroom located in the breezeway between the 200 and 300 buildings.
400 Building across from classroom 409 is a unisex accessible bathroom.
If help is needed, please contact Wilson/Event staff for assistance with any and all accessible needs.
Handicapped parking is located off Ximeno at the West end of Stadium. Handicapped parking spots are first-come, first served. Additional street parking surrounding Wilson is available as well as a small parking lot next to Blair Field on Park Avenue. Blair Field lot has very limited Handicapped parking.
Elevator and Lift Policy
Any student with a Disability need which requires the use of ELEVATOR or LIFT will be checked out a key for the needed time period. Paperwork to apply for an Elevator/Lift key can be obtained from Jasmin Novoa in the Main Office. Parent signature is required for key check out.
Campus Entrances
The Arches located on the corner of Park Avenue and 10th Street is open during school hours and during school events. This is an accessible entrance for all students, staff and visitors.
The 100 Building entrance (rose garden) located on the corner of Ximeno Avenue and 10th Street is open during school hours and school events. This is an accessible ramp.
The Auditorium is located on Ximeno Ave and has an accessible entrance at the front for students, staff and visitors including accessible restrooms, accessible seating areas and accessible path of travel to the stage.
The Gymnasium is located on Ximeno Avenue. This entrance is open only during school hours and events. The accessible entrance is located in the rear of the gym.
The West Athletic Field located along Ximeno Avenue has an accessible entrance along Ximeno Avenue that includes a path of travel to an accessible drinking fountain and seating areas.
The Stadium Home Side located along 7th Street has an accessible entrance. The path of travel includes accessibility to the ticket booth and concessions buildings and seating in the front of the stadium.
The Stadium Visitor Side located along Ximeno has an accessible entrance including accessible parking. The path of travel includes accessibility to the ticket booth and concessions building and seating in the front of the stadium.
For questions or more information contact Guillermo Jimenez x6114.
Stadium Accessibility Map for Visitors
Parent & Student Visitations to Events at Wilson High School
If you have an accessibility need and require special assistance or have questions, please contact: Connie Joyce x6100. For more information on Wilson Events and Activities, please contact the Activities Office at x6912 or x6908.